If you’ve been wanting to start living in a more sustainable way, getting started couldn’t be easier!
The main thing to remember is to take it in small steps. There’s no need to overhaul your life, and every little thing you do will help us to build a future for the world that we want to live in.
To help you get motivated, here’s five ways you can upgrade to a green lifestyle.
1. Eat Local – Or grow your own!
One of the main environmental issues with all of the fresh fruit and veg that we see at our local supermarket is the fact that it all comes from so far away. Where possible, try and shop at a local farmers market.
If you know what’s in season, you can plan your meals accordingly to what’s going to be fresh.
There’s so much local produce available now that you can get almost everything you need by shopping close to home.
Another alternative is to grow your own food! You can grow vegetables or herbs in even the smallest bit of space, so if you’re looking to live more sustainably, maybe now is the time to try out your green thumb.
2. Think Fair Trade
For those items that you can’t source locally, make sure that you’re buying fair trade. By doing so, you’ll be ensuring a healthy wage for the workers involved in producing the item. It also means that any food produced comes from using sustainable farming techniques – which means better for the environment.
3. Ditch the Car
If you really want to change your lifestyle, then reducing the amount you drive is a great way to do so.
If you can walk, cycle or take public transport, then you’ll be doing your bit to save on oil consumption.
If you do need to drive to work, why not organise a carpool with others who live close by? One thing a lot of people forget is that cars that aren’t running well use up more petrol. So make sure your tyres are inflated and service your vehicle regularly. In the long run, this will help your pocket and the climate.
4. Water Saving – Drink From the Tap!
Reducing water is a great way to lead a sustainable life. You can install water saving showerheads, and plan you garden a little more.
Think about the type of plants you should have (i.e. not those that need watered everyday).
Another water-related change to make is to stop drinking bottled water and switch to tap. Most of the water in North America is perfectly safe to drink, and if the taste puts you off, then buying a filter and storing it in the fridge can help with that.
No more bottled water means less plastic use as well, so it’s a win-win.
5. Recycle
One of the simplest ways that you can be more sustainable in your day to day life is by reusing and recycling.
No more takeaway cups – even though the vast majority are either made of recycled materials or can be recycled themselves. Invest in a cup that you can reuse.
Recycle whatever you can, you’ll be amazed at what you can actually recycle, and food waste can be easily composted. Remember to recycle all of your electronics as well.
There are places that you can bring your old phones, batteries and fridges to ensure that they don’t end up in landfill.
At Caseco, our phone cases are made from recycled plastic and vegan leather because we believe in living a sustainable life.
Not only this, but when you receive a Caseco order, it’s in 100% zero-waste packaging, so it can all be recycled. The environment is for all of us, which is why we firmly believe that companies like ours need to do their bit to safekeep it.
Interested in a sustainable and fashionable phone case? Check out our Sunset Blvd vegan leather wallet case collection here.
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